
English language challendges

My experience with the english in university was better than in school. I think that I have learned more, but I still have a hard time expressing my ideas because I don't remember the words or the auxiliaries or the correct order of sentences, especially at the time of speaking, but the teacher has explained the language well with much patience. I like to blog, but sometimes I don't know what to say or how to express my ideas, but sometimes I was lazy to write a blog, because I was tired for the household laundry or for the test or jobs of the other class.  I think that I should improve my vocabulary, to get it when I don't have the word in english I must look for it in the dictionary or the transmitter, also I must practice my speech for that I say everyday sentences in english, for practice pronunciation, I think that I should improve my hearing for understand what they tell me, for that reason I listen to songs in english and then I tr...

Time travel to the future

Thinking about where I would like to go If travel to the future is difficult, but If I time travel to the future, I would like to travel fifteen years to see how my life has been, to see if I have met my goals, dreams or I am happy with my life. Maybe in the future my job will not have relation with my career or I changed my career. One doesn't know the turns that life has, but no matter what I work I want to enjoy what I do. I want to know if I have a house or a car or many dogs, I love dogs so much, I think they are things that would make me happy to have. I think I would travel to twenty-one of July, to 2035 because this day is my birthday, so I would see if it is a happy day for me and with which people would you spend it, because I want people from my present to be in my future. I think I would not stay, I would just watch what I have been doing, how has my life been, my job, my hobbies, my news goals and dreams, my environment, my friends, family among...

Changes to my study programme

  I study social work; the duration time of my career is of five years or ten semesters. An event that could increase study time would be to fail a subject I hope it doesn't happen. I believe the subject of my career will not change but will adapt for the pandemic. For example, the subject of investigation or that requires presence. I think the academic load will go up when we return to face to face, I will have to read more, more test and extra activities that cannot be done in pandemic. I would follow the study plan with the extra subjects that I have to do, also I would like to do a sport when We let's go back to presence. I don't know the faculty of social sciences because I never gone, but I think I would use the library a lot because in my career I have to read a lot, the grounds to rest in the free hour, talk with my friends and to rest, also the Gym for practice handball. I hope to meet the faculty soon. In this moment for the pandemic th...

My future job

                                                         Hello welcome to my blog🥰 Think in the future is complicated, because there many options but in the future I would like job in the hospital because before of choose my career, I wanted to study in the health area but different reasons I chose social work. Also I would like job in the SENAME because I would like help of the kids and teenagrs. I imagine in the health are: helping patients to rehabilitate, helping them reintegrate into society and supporting their families in the process. On the other hand in the SENAME I would like keep improving the system and to give children a better quality of life and future.  I hope my future job be a mix of outdoor and indoor and outdoor because I don't want to be in an office all day surrounded of peoers. Al...

Why social work...?

                                                          Hello, welcome to muy blog🥰 When I was in the school participe in different activities. I was child trainers:   the formed in the religion when I left the school, "went up" level and I turned in coordinator, where I started to work with the child trainers I help in his formation and in his life, sometimes they tell me his problems. Also when I was in the school I had a subject, the name it was "National reality", in the class I studied news of the actuality and I talket of the problems of the society, also my colleagues and me, we debated and  gave our opinion of the problems and its possible causes.   In the year 2019 I jonied to "Escuelita"  there work with kids the "low resources". I help in his chores of the school, also we do sport as football, skating...

My pet🐶🥰

                                                         🐶Hello welcome to my blog🐶 My pet is a dog, it's name is Reina, my brother and me call its that because we like an anime character with this name. That anime was the first we saw together, for that reason the name it is important. It is of color brown and has white parts, in the head and in the paws (look like socks), it hace five years old  and him birthday is the nighteen of April. My dog Reina is very intelligent because it does eight or nine different tricks, for example: give the paw and five, it sits, crouches down, if I "dispense him" it plays dead, when I walk she goes through my legs also when I stretch my hand, it puts him face or nose, but she doesn't make the free tricks I have to give him food. She has a disease that affects her blood and the blood vessels,...

My best holidays.

Hi, welcome to my blog  In the year 2019, in junary I traveled to Panama city with a group the students and some adults. We went to the JMJ (junta mundial de la juventud) with the papa. In this travel was my best friend Millaray and I met Javiera and Juanita, they are my best friends to this day. In the travel I live with a family of the Panama, they welcomed me in your house for fourteen days. For the JMJ evereday we had different activities, as hikes, masses, conversations with differentn people for know different cultures becouse they were of diferents contrys . Thanks to the activities I could meet many places of the city, the ruins, buildings with a beatiful architecture, places taken from a book,  very big churches. Also a day travel in boat to a island, on that beach the water was warm and not cold as in Chile also on the beach there were trees in the sand and obviusly  we went  to the Panama Canal. The Panama trip  is my best holidays becouse it was da...