My best holidays.

Hi, welcome to my blog

 In the year 2019, in junary I traveled to Panama city with a group the students and some adults. We went to the JMJ (junta mundial de la juventud) with the papa. In this travel was my best friend Millaray and I met Javiera and Juanita, they are my best friends to this day. In the travel I live with a family of the Panama, they welcomed me in your house for fourteen days.

For the JMJ evereday we had different activities, as hikes, masses, conversations with differentn people for know different cultures becouse they were of diferents contrys.

Thanks to the activities I could meet many places of the city, the ruins, buildings with a beatiful architecture, places taken from a book,  very big churches. Also a day travel in boat to a island, on that beach the water was warm and not cold as in Chile also on the beach there were trees in the sand and obviusly  we went  to the Panama Canal.

The Panama trip  is my best holidays becouse it was days of  fun, joy and so cutes. A moment from my life where I learned and met new people and made new friends.


  1. Interact with differents countries is a really amazing and fulfilling experience:)

  2. Hi! :) The best part of traveling is getting to know its culture and enjoying its charms.

  3. It is super incredible that you could travel to another country! Panama is a super beautiful and wonderful country!

  4. I want baaack!!, definitely it was the best experience that we lived together. (up to now)


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