English language challendges

My experience with the english in university was better than in school. I think that I have learned more, but I still have a hard time expressing my ideas because I don't remember the words or the auxiliaries or the correct order of sentences, especially at the time of speaking, but the teacher has explained the language well with much patience.

I like to blog, but sometimes I don't know what to say or how to express my ideas, but sometimes I was lazy to write a blog, because I was tired for the household laundry or for the test or jobs of the other class. 

I think that I should improve my vocabulary, to get it when I don't have the word in english I must look for it in the dictionary or the transmitter, also I must practice my speech for that I say everyday sentences in english, for practice pronunciation, I think that I should improve my hearing for understand what they tell me, for that reason I listen to songs in english and then I try to translate them in my head. I think I should practice more and I don't have to be afraid of being wrong.

Finally in my house I speak english for me, with the final purpose of practicing, I try to do it every day. On the other hand, sometimes I translate instructions to my parents. Also when I see my brother I speak in english with him.


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